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Quick Start

This Gradle plugin calculates the next version based on the latest Git tag, using optional parameters and properties.

Basic usage:

./gradlew build

With parameters:

./gradlew build -Psemver.stage=rc -Psemver.modifier=minor

Parameters and Properties

The plugin uses several parameters and properties to calculate the next version. Default values and valid inputs vary. For detailed information on each parameter and property, including usage examples and valid values, please refer to the following documentation pages:

  1. semver.stage
  2. semver.modifier
  3. semver.overrideVersion
  4. semver.forMajorVersion
  5. semver.tagPrefix
  6. semver.appendBuildMetadata

Each of these can be set as:

  • Gradle parameters (-P on the command-line)
  • in any valid files, in search order:
    • in the Gradle user home directory ( typically ~/.gradle/
    • in the Gradle home directory
    • in the project’s directory where the plugin is applied