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For Major Version

To target a historical major version line (useful for applying fixes to older major versions), use the Gradle property:

Via command line:


In any valid



Latest tag: v2.0.0 Latest v1 tag: v1.5.9

Important Note

If no stage or modifier is provided, a default of auto used.

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.forMajorVersion=1 1.5.10
./gradlew -Psemver.forMajorVersion=1 -Psemver.modifier=minor 1.6.0
./gradlew -Psemver.forMajorVersion=1 -Psemver.modifier=minor -Psemver.modifier=rc 1.6.0-rc.1

Suggested Workflow

  1. Identify and checkout the latest tag for the major version you want to target.
  2. Create a new branch for your changes off the tag (e.g. release/v1.x).
  3. Make your changes and commit them to your new branch.
  4. Execute gradle build, publish, and release steps with -Psemver.forMajorVersion=<your-major-version> to target the historical major version line.