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Append Build Metadata

Build metadata is a string of characters in the format: +<yyyyMMddHHmmss>

To conditionally append build metadata to the next version, use the Gradle property:

Via command line:


In any valid


If no value is provided, a default of never will be used.

The following are the possible values:

Modifier Description
never Never adds the generated build metadata
always Always adds the generated build metadata
locally Only adds the generated build metadata when building locally


Latest tag: v1.0.0

Current date and time: 01-23-2024 12:34

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=locally 1.0.1+202401231234 (when not running in CI)
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=always 1.0.1+202401231234
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=never 1.0.1

Latest tag: v1.0.0-feat.1 (and still on this feature branch)

Current date and time: 01-23-2024 12:34

Command Next Version
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=locally 1.0.1-feat.2+202401231234 (when not running in CI)
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=always 1.0.0-feat.2+202401231234
./gradlew -Psemver.appendBuildMetadata=never 1.0.0-feat.2